Thursday, April 23, 2009
News about the bird
While there, she checked up my Flicker. Apparently he is still there and undergoing physical therapy. (I giggle). They are trying to get him to take flight, but he had a broken wing so I guess these things take time. Good to know he is doing okay!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Aquarium!

Friday, Chrissy and I went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium! It seemed expensive when we went in, even with a $2 coupon, at $27.95. But after spending 4 and 1/2 hours there, we thought it was worth the money.
I brought extra batteries in with me, they died, I went and bought overpriced batteries in the gift shop, they died. So I was reduced to using my phone camera, which has no flash. I think most of the pictures came out really good, despite the circumstances.
There was an awesome exhibit called The Secret Lives of Seahorses. It was so beautiful. Seahorses are so pretty, and they played Enya-esque music in the background. It was magical.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
25 Random Factoids
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 1:42pm
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. I worship the ground Ryan Adams walks on. He is a musical genius. I would do almost anything to go see him in concert again.
2. Contrary to the popular belief, I am not allergic to gelatin. I do, however, get very sick when I eat olives.
3. No matter how hard I try, I still like Kanye West's music.
4. A lot of people don't know: I rowed for Oakland Strokes for about 7 months during my Sophomore year of high school. I ran 7 1/2 miles in one afternoon AND did stadiums. It was intense. It is also the reason for my on again off again back pains. I haven't gotten any for a while though.
5. When I graduated High School and went to Utah for 2 weeks before leaving for Italy, my mother asked me what color luggage I wanted for my long trip. I told her: anything but pink. Low and behold, if you travel with me, you've seen them: the fuscia bags that seem to glow in the dark. Hey, at least I have no trouble finding my bags at the airport, or anywhere, for that matter.
6. I get really upset when people think I say "BRYAN ADAMS".
7. I love making desserts, "It's the whole purpose of the meal."
8. I am in the process of writing several books.
9. I swear I saw Bert McCracken at Sun Valley Mall the other day. I SWEAR IT. Do you think he checks East Bay Craigslist missed connections?
10. I want to travel to Ireland and take lots of pictures, and stay in a cottage, and go to the ocean, and take an Irish History class. Or something.
11. I am like 1/16 Blackfoot Indian. We were a viscious, viscious people. I resemble them, yes?
12. Hmm, I made a huge deal about Valkyrie and never went to go see it.
13. For like the first year people know me, they consider me a bashful person. After that, they just wish I was.
14. LOL- CHRISSY! Hated Pink. I still hate pink, with very few exceptions. Althought, the Aerosmith song is pretty awesome.
15. I will stick with Chrissy here and say that I am clinically addicted to caffeine, and my chosen source is of course Coffee--lattes, simple shots of espresso, you name it--I can drink it, black, with cream, with Pumpkin Spice Coffeemate...thank you Starbucks, for getting America addicted. But at least we get our calcium from the milk in said flavored lattes.
16. I would have to say that I identify with the Republican party on almost every issue, I'm an Ice Cold Conservative to the core. I think that there is no hope for California, so I am moving to Louisiana, which is turning Republican.
17. Um...I'm die-hard Pro-Life on every issue. I don't believe in murder.
18. My dog is named after a fat, italian opera singer. You get bonus points if you know who it is.
19. I love getting judged right away. Because I love the satisfaction of proving people wrong.
20. If I could start an online business, no matter what it did, it would be called Anti-Penguin.
21. My champagne colored car is named Adrian Garcia, because he is American but was assembled in Mexico.
22. As someone who enjoys a good book or movie, I am vastly attracted to amazing storytelling. Therefore, I am addicted to LOST. Just throwing this out there...but if anyone wants to watch all the seasons, starting with Season 1 episode 1, I will watch them with you! I am crazy--I know.
23. I will put this out there as well: I don't get a long well with most girls.
24. All I want to do in life is really, truly affect people in a positive way. Whether it is through teaching or through my writing, I want to give what I have so fortunately received. I only hope I can achieve this.
25. SMOOTHIE, FTW! The best inside jokes and experiences are made in fast food drive-thru lines. For sure.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
What lies under the shadow of the statue?
First of all, I have a few preconceived ideas about what might happen in that episode. I thought there was a 50% chance that Ben would die (there's a list floating around the Internet with three names on it..) and I thought there was a 99% chance that Ben would kill Penny.
That being said, here are my observations:
1. The second actor they have to play a younger Charles Widmore looks like the old man but looks NOTHING like the younger, teen version of him.
2. Richard Alpert had to explain himself to Charles Widmore...strange...a man who seems immortal having to explain himself to someone? Someone he "Doesn't answer to"?
3. ALSO--why are the others so primitive...over twenty years after the Hydrogen bomb thing and they still have only semi-permanent camps and eat around the fire? What's up with that? They're like nomads!!! WHY!?!?!?!
4. Charles said, "You took one of them to our temple?"
5. Locke creeps me out all the sudden. What is up with him? I don't entirely trust him anymore---and I want to trust him!! He's stalking off into the jungle and coming back mysteriously. Is he the smoke monster? Is he really resurrected? As Ben said, Dead is Dead. But Ben has been wrong before?
6. Ben didn't know Locke would come back. DUH. 90% of what he says are lies, and most of his lies have been told to John Locke...haha.
"I never pictured you leading your people from behind a desk. Seems a little...corporate."
"Was there something that you needed, John?"
"Well, Ben, I was hoping that you and I could talk about the elephant in the room."
"I assume that you're referring to the fact that I killed you."
and of course:
"You had critical information that would've died with you. And once you'd given it to me, well I just didn't have time to talk you back into hanging yourself. So I took a shortcut."
7. But I do believe Ben was going to be judged--he's had 3 years to mull over the fact that his daughter's blood was on his hands. It's obvious when he comes face to face (so to speak) with old Smokey, that his daughter's death is the one thing on his mind that he thinks he truly did wrong.
8. Illyana is definitely working for someone. Widmore? She has something up her sleeve.
9. Do you think Cesar is really dead? He seems like too much of an important "new" character to just be killed? Though his death was awesome--Ben says to Locke: "Consider that my apology."
10. "BOOOAT!" hahahahaha.
11. What is the significance of Frank Lapidus? He was supposed to be the original pilot on flight 815. Was he simply just needed on the Ajira flight to reproduce the Oceanic flight? Or does he have a greater purpose? Also, he needs to grow his beard back right away. I like him better beardy.
12. I can't believe Sun just abandoned her daughter. I can imagine Kate leaving Aaron, but Sun leaving Ji Yeon?
13. I find it odd that the Dharma people would build a house around an ancient temple area (Ben's house). Perhaps it is because the water filled in the hole kept Smokey away (something about the guardian of the Underworld couldn't cross a river...or something!). That water was a clue as to what, or who, Smokey is.
13. Charles Widmore--left the island regularly? HOW? If the purge happened in 1992, they didn't have control of the SUB until after! How did Widmore leave? The donkey wheel? SO weird.
"Find Desmond Hume for me and tell him I said I was sorry."
"For what?"
"He'll know."
That line alone made me automatically think that Ben killed Penny. I saw the scene play out in my head. Then Charlie started talking and it was like Ben's heart came through--then Desmond ripped Ben to shreds. It was awesome. Oh Desmond!
15. The guy that comes and talks to Frank and tells him they found guns--looks a lot like Justin Chatwin, who was the young cop named Eddie that went to live on the ranch with John Locke. It wasn't Justin Chatwin, but it looked a lot like him. It would be really weird if it was the same character, but it isn't. The guy is only in that episode.
16. Alex? Manifestation of old Smokey, just like Eko's brother Yemi. She got Ben to apologize and made him promise to follow John Locke.
17. Was he spared? Or was he punished? At the end of the episode it seemed like he might've rather died.
Other thoughts:
Only a few more episodes (not a new one next week) until THE INCIDENT!!!
The previews said there was someone dead in a body bag in the back of a van. Miles was trying to talk to him. Was it Daniel? My beloved Daniel was on the stupid list!!! NOOOOO!
Anyway. I miss my O6 losties. Welcome them back in two weeks.
Monday, April 6, 2009
When I would come to Aunt Betty’s, there were three things I looked forward to most; getting measured and marked on the measuring wall to see how much I had grown; drawing pictures at the kitchen table with her fancy markers; and stealing orange slices from the living room coffee table. Though my drawings were nowhere near masterpieces, she always encouraged me in my art and in turn encouraged my imagination. As an aspiring writer, imagination is everything. Her determination to continue her education, by taking writing classes, and writing heartfelt, imaginative stories, made me realize that I had just as much potential and creativity lurking within me.
I put together a video a few years ago for her 85th birthday, and put together the slideshow today, and I have to say that my eyes have been opened. Aunt Betty loved many things—flipping through her photobooks I found many pictures of flowers and landscapes, and interesting places from her travels. She loved nature, both the plants and animals, and even the rocks, as seen in her large rock collection; she looked most relaxed in the pictures taken of her in lush green forests, Yosemite, and the Grand Canyon, to name a few; she loved the world and its cultures, yet had a great appreciation for her hometown and her dearest friends and family.
After seeing all the lovely photos of flowers and animals that Aunt Betty took, a favorite quote of John Muir’s came to mind:
Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life.
So I couldn’t really choose one thing to say about my Aunt--- I have so many great memories and stories in my heart of a woman who, in all actuality, really fit the bill of a grandma but held the high distinction and noble title of Aunt.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Couldn't have said it better
Americans disagree strongly about the proper legal status of abortion. But for decades there has been a rough consensus that no one should be compelled to participate in abortions or have their federal tax dollars used for abortion. These three changes would shatter that consensus, making the destruction of life an essential part of the medical and legal order while stigmatizing and marginalizing all who object. This would be an outrage and a scandal -- a troubling reinterpretation of religious liberty, which is not merely the freedom to believe but the freedom to bring religiously informed moral beliefs to professional and political life.I could not have said it better.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hoover's No More (Finale)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Whatever Happened, Happened
I have quite a few things to say.
Number one---Ben's innocence is gone?!? That explains so much.
"If I take him, he's not ever going to be the same again...what I mean is that -- he'll forget this ever happened, and that his innocence will be gone. He will always be one of us."
So Kate (and the Losties) are inevitably responsible for Ben being the way h

But, to go off on a total tangent--this is something that has bugged me forever: Faraday's reaction to the crash of Flight 815.
See? Perhaps it is similar to Desmond remembering his conversation with Daniel Faraday...Des did not remember it until it happened in Daniel's future (though it took place in Desmond's past). Clearly Daniel has a huge storyline that has yet to be explained. Like where the frack is he? Probably building the Lamppost station in L.A. I miss you Faraday! Come back to me!!!! Anyway--what caused him to be upset? He has some mind issues, obviously...he's been referred to as the absentminded professor.
FOR example: in last night's episode, Hurley and Miles discuss the time situation (which I figured out a while ago). The idea that whatever happened, happened, is centered around the facts. When the Losties landed on the island, the past was secure--nothing can be changed in the past that would seemingly affect them getting to the island BECAUSE they have to be in the past for them to get to the island. The island's past is their future. As we are seeing, it all comes together. Without the Losties, Ben would have never helped Sayid, never been shot, and never been taken the the ominous Temple by Maybe it's Maybelline Alpert. Perhaps something else might've happened to make it all happen, but it all turns out the same, even with the Losties. Also--what did Juliette know about the Temple? Why did she think the Others could help Ben? Did she somehow know that would happen to him? Just because Alpert says Ben won't remember, doesn't mean no one remembers.
An interesting theory that I read involved Ethan Rom (the dead Doc) and his mother Amy. We have seen that Ethan was born in 1977, making him 27 at the time of the crash. Despite the arguments that actor doesn't look a day younger than 35, let's get past this and say that they are the same character. Ethan goes from a Dharma born baby to an Other. Is this a choice? Does he defect? Or is he forced? Another interesting fact I read was that a few seasons back in the episode with Juliette's book club, there is a character named Amelia. An older woman, who before entering Juliette's house, has a moment with Ethan outside, who is fixing something. Amy? Amelia? hmmm...Horace's wife becomes an Other? Could be a coincidence--but this is Lost, give me a break.
Now why did Sun, Locke, Ben, and Lapidus not go back in time? My theory is because if they hadn't left the Island, they wouldn't have gone back. Ben had to turn the wheel, Sun would've died because of her pregnancy, Locke was the new leader of the Others, so he would've stayed, and Lapidus would've been on the freighter, or the chopper, and not been with Daniel, Charlote, and Miles. The Island in the Past needed the Losties to go back--and the freighter changed what was supposed to be the future. That is why they "HAD TO GO BACK" (Jack's favorite quote). So what is in store for Ben and the Ajira people?
Also--what was up with Ben's list? Sawyer, Hurley, Jack, and Kate--all people that were in Dharmaville in '77. BUT--Sayid was there too, for heaven's sake, he shot Ben--but the Temple-dealeo made him forget. So when they kidnap the losties in the future, is it because Ben had the vague idea that they were the same people? Did he have to see for himself--is that why he got kidnapped in Season 2? Or did he simply need Jack to operate on him and used Kate and Sawyer against Jack to get him to do it? BUT--for some reason, the Others made Kate and Sawyer, ahem, LaFleur, build a run way. Coincidence? I think not. Food for thought, I guess.
Another thing that came up in a discussion via my facebook status, was, what was Danielle Rosseau's original reaction to meeting Jin in 2004? Is there one? I looked in Exodus part 1 (end of season 1) and I couldn't find a reaction. If you have the DVDs please check. Jin eventually gets on the raft, so if they don't meet during this time, perhaps in seasons 2 or 3.
And now I pose a few questions: The Losties in the past can't stay there much longer. Obviously we aren't going to have seasons upon seasons of Losties in the 70s / 80s. The incident is coming. How do they factor into it? Does the incident take them back to the future (no pun intended)? Does it send them somewhere else? Where (or more importantly, WHEN?) is the impending war? How will Locke and Ben fare? They did okay the first time Ben attempted to kill him. Will Sun and Jin ever reunite? Why is Lapidus around? Is Christian Shephard resurrected or simply a projection used by the Island/Jacob? Who the heck is Richard Alpert really? Ra the Egyptian god? A guy from the Black Rock? A manifastation of the Smokey?
The questions could go on forever. I think the incident is coming, someone major is going to die, along the lines of the Charlie death, and we are all going to be like, WTF? The questions this show poses stem from complex and abnormal issues--yet the answers are usually quite simple.