My sisters are having boys! My oldest sister Keara, who has two girls, Jenna and Ellie, thinks she wants to name hers Jackson--a wonderful name, if I say so myself. And Ashley, the next oldest, is also having a boy, but isn't sure on the name.
I like the name Jackson. There's a character named Jackson on All My Children... I, myself, was named after a character on All My Children.
I like the name Greenlee (another name from All My Children)... she is played by Rebecca Budig, see to the right. Do you think this is a horrible name for a female child? A lot of people I know think this, but I've fallen in love with a tradition of naming a daughter a name from AMC, and I can't let it go.
I'd always have the name "Lee" to fall back on. There a quite a few girl Lees out there, especially musicians from Nashville.
I'm a huge fan of RB, and her character Greenlee. I think it's a unique name. In a world of unique names, why not go for it if you love it :)
I really like the name Jackson (for a boy or a girl). Really the only girl's name I never liked was "George". Some poor, cute little girl at my cousin's preschool was named George.
I'm happy to hear about your application to UL! Call me/Text me/whatever if you have any questions!
Oh, and I had no idea you were named after an AMC character! I think the family should keep up the tradition. :)
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