Obsession: Hall & Oates
If you've never heard a Hall & Oates song, then clearly you have been living in a cave your whole life. If you don't own their The Very Best of album, I urge you to buy it immediately.
According to a theory created my friend, Hilary, Hall & Oates clearly had to have sold their souls to the devil for the number of hits they had. There is a certain Hall & Oates mystique, you must admit. What, pray tell, happened to John Oates' mustache? And inquiring minds want to know -- what will Hall & Oates not go for -- what exactly are they referring to when they say "no can do?"
A few weeks ago some friends of mine gathered at a local establishment for a DJ'd night of "Spinning Hip Hop, Ol' Skool Rap, Free Stylin'"In what can only be described as one of the greatest moments of my life, my friend, Brittany, convinced the "I-don't-do-requests-and-I-probably-don't-have-the-music-you're-going-to-ask-for-so-don't-bother-asking" DJ to play... Hall & Oates. Turns out he's a kindred Rich Girllovin' soul.
Proof that this night really happened: Brittany, me and Hilary with DJ-a-creepin' in the background.
Hall & Oates fan 4 life.
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